Sunday, August 22, 2004

Underground Woman

She walks through the crowded train station
Her gaze straight ahead
A small smile on her swollen lips
The dull pain in her back and thighs a delicious reminder for tomorrow
The mark of his teeth on her neck hidden behind her hair
The sound of movement, sighs
Still echoing in her ears like the strains of a tune that she does not want to forget
Her legs hardly able to carry her
Giddy, throbbing
Yet she feels stronger than ever
Could lift a car with one arm
If she felt so inclined, but why bother
When all she really wants to do
Is replay the movement of his hands, his mouth
In her mind's eye.

And men follow her with their eyes
Which is something they sometimes do
For she is lovely in her own way
But tonight almost every man who passes
Notices something worth a second glance
Men, women, even couples see it,
Some assume she is drugged, no doubt
The small satisifed grin that plays on her lips
Taken for a less natural intoxication
For she is in another world that she has made from delights of this one
Feral strength and relaxed sense of self
The scent of sex cloaks her, like perfume
The heat of recent passion and release ripples off of her skin
Like a tangible echo of the screams she cried just an hour ago.

What is it that marks a newly made woman?
Her libidinous nature coming out to play
Like a child in the night
The crowds parting for this lovely lady
And her languid state,
Letting a creature by
That now knows no bounds.


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